Tracking Your Results For Improvement And Expansion

Posted on 21:46 | | In

OK, So you've got the right page design and you're focusing on the high paying topics. The last thing to do is to test, test, test! Test your websites, find out which pages get the most clicks, which subjects are drawing the most interest, and expand on those topics.

For example, let's say you've setup a site an "Widgets". The site has four topics, "Red Widgets", "Blue Widgets", "Green Widgets" are by far the most popular and are getting you the most clicks.

Knowing this, the next thing to do is expand the section of your website devoted to Blue Widgets. Ad some articles or other content resources that talk about the various facets of Blue Widgets. Of course, Your AdSense ads will be on every page. :)

Also, you need to track where your traffic is coming from, and which traffic sources are getting you the most clicks. Are you getting a lot of traffic from Google? Or Yahoo? Or MSN? Of the big three search engines, which one is sending you the most clicks? Knowing this tells you where to focus your efforts. If Google makes you the most money, You should focus your efforts on ranking well in Google first. If it's Yahoo or MSN, you focus on those first.

Unfortunately, Google's AdSense reports are very limited. The channels help some, but they are cumbersome to implement and are limited to only 200. If you have more than 200 pages and you want to track every page-forget it.

Also, Google does not tell you where your traffic is coming from, or which traffic sources are resulting in the most clicks. There are huge holes in their reporting, and they don't seem to care about filling those holes.

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visit and $mile 4u

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